Five Clinically Approved Tech Beauty Devices To Try At Home

Sensica is leading the way when it comes to home beauty devices, and with a healthy attitude towards beauty combined with cutting-edge tech, they’re well worth a look. They’re a brand that champions real beauty, and by that, they mean skin that isn’t airbrushed by PhotoShop. Makes sense to us. But that said, they understand […]

5 facial exercises to help your skin neck not fall out!

Neck wrinkles appear between 40- and 45-years age, the causes are related to age and the loss of collagen and elastin. Sensilift is the solution proposed by Sensica to improve the appearance of wrinkles also on the neck area, it’s easy, painless and non-invasive and the results will surprise you. Plus, we have brought to you a few easy exercises that […]

The Importance of Upgrading Your Skin Routine for Winter

As the temperatures drop, it’s time to ramp up your beauty skin care routine to help you put your best face forward.    Just because you won’t be spending hours with your skin exposed to the harsh summer rays, doesn’t mean you can sit back and let nature take its course as we head into winter. In fact, this is exactly the time when your skin is […]

Stress Awareness Month – De-stress your Skin

Stuck in lockdown and struggling with your skincare routine? We are here to help! Did you know that April is Stress Awareness Month? This month has probably been more stressful than previous ones. If the current situation has been having an impact on your life, you have probably noticed this in your skin. Follow our […]

Survival Guide to Lockdown

As the majority of the world have experienced some form of lockdown, we look at ways to help maintain a well rounded and balanced routine. We have all seen many professionals and experts try to tell us how to keep sane whilst stuck indoors. From physical exercise, mindfulness and diet to homeschooling the kids and […]

The Quest for Younger Skin Doesn’t Need to Lead to a Doctor’s Office

Thanks to science and modern technology, there are many ways to rejuvenate skin and reverse the effects of aging. There are invasive procedures (that break the skin in some way), such as: Botox, facelifts, laser skin resurfacing, and chemical peels. But if this doesn’t sound like a good fit for you, don’t worry because there […]

10 Foods That Will Transform Your Skin

If you have noticed your skin looking dull or are seeing signs of aging, your instinct may be to go to your room to get a beauty fix or serum. However, instead of heading straight to your vanity table, make your way to the kitchen first. While it is important to care for your skin […]

Hyaluronic Acid: There’s More to It Than You May Think

It may sound counterintuitive, but for centuries women have used acids to improve the appearance of their skin. Even Cleopatra bathed daily in asses’ milk – a type of lactic acid. However, not everything you read about facial acids, including hyaluronic acid (HA), is straightforward.  What is Hyaluronic Acid? First, it’s important to note that […]

A dynamic approach to youthful-looking skin

It’s one thing to put your faith in a tried and tested solution – of course, we all want to know that the products we use have been proven to work. But, what if there’s more to it than what’s already on offer? This is what got us at Sensica thinking. For years, radio frequency […]

Let’s talk about skin

Let’s talk about skin / Skin-talk It’s our body’s largest organ and can account for as much as 15 percent of our total weight. But how much do you really know about your skin? Here are just a few facts and figures to get you thinking…. The average adult has around 21 square feet of skin. […]

7 common beauty myths, busted!

True or false? We get to the bottom of 7 beauty myths In today’s age of photoshopping and airbrushing, the beauty industry has become notorious for being somewhat flexible with the truth. With this in mind, we’re here to bust 7 common beauty myths that sound convincing enough on the surface, but don’t necessarily hold […]

Best cellulite treatments for 2020 that really works

It’s estimated that 90% of women are affected by cellulite at some point in their lives: young and old, slim and overweight, sporty types and couch potatoes. For most of us, there’s no escaping, the orange peel effect appearing on our buttocks and upper thighs, so let’s dig a bit deeper and find out what […]

Eggs – there’s no beating them for healthy skin!

If you’re looking for an eggcellent face or body mask you can prepare at home, the ingredient you can’t do without is eggs! What is it about eggs that skin just adores? The whites are rich in protein, which enhances cell regeneration, tightens pores and can remove excessive oil, while the yolks contain fatty acids […]

Food, glorious food!

Glorious food, gorgeous skin You are what you eat. It sounds trite, but it’s true. And when it comes to our skin, what we eat can have a real impact on our appearance. The good news is that there are several foods that you can incorporate into your diet to reap amazing benefits. Here’s an […]

What is the Price of Beauty?

They say “no pain, no gain” but just how far are you willing to go to achieve your ideal beauty results? To help you decide if it’s worth the risk, here’s the low down about the unwanted side effects that might follow some common treatments.   1. Anti-wrinkle cream A keyway to defy ageing is […]

Is Laughter Really the Best Medicine?

Don’t get me wrong, I love a genuine belly laugh as much as the next person. But, there’s a difference between indulging in what, let’s face it, is the body’s natural response to a stimulus that it finds amusing, and claiming that laughing has actual health benefits. To be honest, at my age (no, I’m […]

How to Look as Good as Grandma!

Sometimes you look at an elderly person and think ‘Wow! I hope I look as good as that when I reach her age!’ And when it’s your own grandmother you’re looking at, there’s a chance that you will! But it doesn’t hurt to take matters into your own hands, just to be sure. Visiting my […]

How well do you know gluten?

Think you’re gluten savvy? Then take our little Gluten True or False? quiz! No peeking at the answers until you’ve got to the end! True or False: foods containing gluten are unequivocally bad for you True or False: excluding gluten from your diet is as simple as giving up bread and pasta True or False: […]

Self checking tips for skin by Sensica’s expert

Do you ever think about checking your moles? Most of us are aware that skin cancer, more specifically melanoma, can occur in moles. Unfortunately fewer of us are aware of non-melanoma skin cancers which do not appear in moles. So what should we be looking for? The most common type of skin cancer is basal […]