
Survival Guide to Lockdown

Survival Guide to Lockdown

As the majority of the world have experienced some form of lockdown, we look at ways to help maintain a well rounded and balanced routine.

We have all seen many professionals and experts try to tell us how to keep sane whilst stuck indoors. From physical exercise, mindfulness and diet to homeschooling the kids and working from home, here’s how we are doing it at Sensica.



Becoming a teacher five days a week can be tough, especially if this is totally out of your comfort zone. Even the brightest and well behaved children are most probably more challenging for their parents. We say, set aside dedicated time to devote yourself to the children and help if and when they need it. We like to think we are great multitaskers but during this difficult time, give yourself a break and focus on one thing at a time. So try not to send that report while you’re helping your child with maths, focus on them and their work. Your mind will thank you for it in the long run.


Working from home #WFH

If you have a family you are probably not going to fit your working hours to the usual 9-5pm routine. Hopefully you have a really understanding boss who will allow you to work flexible hours. If you do not, it might be worth trying to speak with them over the phone. Emails may translate differently if you are feeling pressured or stressed. We are all human and we can only do so much in one day so try not to worry, we are all in this together.



If you are busy with the children, working and running a household try to find at least 30 mins throughout your day to get some exercise. We suggest either a 30 min Yoga session, a run or HIT workout each day plus a brisk walk is plenty to keep your body active. Alternatively, you can split your exercise into x3 10 minute sessions throughout the day. Try running, body conditioning/toning exercises or even running up and down steps – this will help keep your butt in check.


Healthy Eating

Try not to fill boredom with eating. It is a common fact that when we are bored, sometimes we eat more. If you find yourself eating more than usual, try to only eat healthy foods high in protein, vitamins and fibre. Limit your eating to three meals a day and include plenty of fruit and vegetables. Snacking on sugary/high calorie foods will make you feel low and could lead to extra unwanted weight in the long run.


Beauty regime

We can’t stress this one enough! Set some time aside each evening to give yourself some ‘me time’. This means still cleansing, toning, exfoliating and pampering your skin. Just because you may be going makeup at free and staying at home, your skin still needs TLC. Wash your hair every few days to make you feel fresh and alive.


Treat yourself

If you’re missing trips to the beauty salon, Sensica can help. We have a range of beauty gadgets worthy of any salon treatment and are more cost effective in the long run. If you feel like getting yourself beach body ready for when lockdown ends we recommend Sensifirm Cellulite and Body Contouring Treatment – it will reduce the appearance of cellulite and help break fatty deposits.


Our range of easy to use and painless Sensilight devices will remove facial and body hair, just choose the one that is right for you. https://sensica.ro/product-category/devices/hair-removal/

If an anti-ageing facial massage is more your thing try Sensilift – our most advanced RF technology facial device. It visibly reduces fine lines and wrinkles in just one use!  https://sensica.ro/product/sta-1pg/


There you have it, an easy guide to staying fit, well, healthy and beautiful during lockdown.